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What is the curriculum?

Curriculum Intent 

At our school we aim to provide the very best education for every pupil; an education where every child can flourish, develop and prepare for a successful life ahead as a global citizen. Everything we do at our school is underpinned by our core values of trust, respect, friendship, honesty, kindness and perseverance and we want our children to feel valued as part of our diverse community. Our motto is: One Team, Working Together, Learning Together, Succeeding Together. We know our pupils as individuals which enables us to provide the support and challenge that they need. We want to maximise our children’s cognitive development and provide a broad and balanced curriculum that promotes a love of learning. We want all our children to have ambition and have the resilience to cope with the challenges they will face in a changing world.  Above all, we want to make learning so memorable that we whet the appetite for lifelong learning; ensuring that our children leave our school with ambition and determination as they move to secondary school and beyond. 



Central to our curriculum are high expectations, high engagement and high standards.

We use the National Curriculum to underpin our curriculum but beyond that we aim to provide creative, memorable learning experiences that not only offer a broad and balanced diet but also provide the cultural capital our children need to succeed in life. This includes resilience; tolerance; excellent communicators; care for the environment; the tools to become good citizens; independence and co-operation; ingenuity and confidence in themselves and others. Our curriculum is further enhanced with a range of extra- curricular activities, educational and residential visits and visitors to our school.

For most subjects we have a topic- based approach providing regular, relevant opportunities to solve problems in all areas of the curriculum to support deep level thinking skills. Although this doesn’t always apply to maths, English and RE; we are always looking for opportunities to link these subjects to our topics to ensure children see the cross-curricular benefits and how all learning is inter-linked.

In all subjects we ensure that pupils are not just covering content but achieving a depth to their learning that builds on what they have learnt before and includes opportunities to embed and consolidate mastery of fundamental concepts and knowledge.

We place great emphasis on ensuring children’s physical and mental well- being is met; we understand that successful learners need to feel confident and secure.


Assessment, whether it be end of Key Stage National Tests or in lessons or looking at children’s books, helps us to judge the impact of our curriculum. We seek out the pupils’ voice and value the feedback we get from parents and governors, taking every opportunity to celebrate what children achieve.

By teaching our curriculum well, and delivering education with love and enthusiasm, we aim to bring out the best in everyone.

The following pages show how the curriculum is delivered at Hullavington CE Primary and we hope you find them informative.  If you want to find out more, please contact our Headteacher, Mrs Lynsey McGinn..

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