PE at Hullavington School
Our sporting aims are to provide children with a balanced range of activities and the opportunity to develop these in more specialist clubs. Each week our children work on at least one area of the physical curriculum. The children benefit from a wide range of qualified coaches, who deliver lessons and provide support for teachers. In the past year these have included: rugby, cricket, football and dance.
Gymnastics and dance both take place in the school hall and involve all the children following various themes. Through dance and movement, they learn how to express themselves whilst being able to work at their own level. Whereas gymnastics, involves learning how to use equipment safely and acquire, develop and gain new skills. Games, outdoors and adventurous activities take place outside and children learn a variety of skills that are developed into small games and team building situations.
We take our pupils swimming from Year 3 and aim for all children to be able to swim 25m unaided by the time they reach the end of KS2.
Over the course of the year we offer a variety of after-school sports clubs, including In-2-Sport. The sports teams take part in many competitions during the year, competing against other local schools.