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Religious Education

Religious Education Lead - Mrs Emma Baylis

Emma Baylis photo


At Hullavington C.E. Primary and Nursery School the Religious Education curriculum plays an integral role in defining the school’s distinctive Christian character. RE plays a significant role in developing children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. The curriculum promotes open mindedness and encourages children to be respectful and understanding citizens who are sensitive to the beliefs of others. Through RE, children will learn from religion and human experiences and develop enquiry and response skills through the use of distinctive language, listening and empathy, then reflect on, analyse and evaluate their beliefs, values and practices and communicate their responses to enable them to develop both academically and personally. RE lessons encourage children to explore, engage and reflect on a wide range of religious beliefs and practices. RE plays a vital role in developing religious literacy and deepening pupils understanding of Christianity, in all its forms, and fostering appreciation and understanding of other faith traditions. The Religious Education curriculum is underpinned by the school’s adopted Christian Values: kindness, perseverance, honesty, trust, friendship, happiness and love.  The influence of religious and world views is also studied on a local, national and global scale. 

SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) values are explored through RE to aid with the development of tolerant, understanding and respectful individuals who play a positive role in their communities. These values encourage pupils to explore their own spirituality in order for them to flourish and be resilient and happy as they grow up and explore the world around them.

right of withdrawal

Parents have a legal right to withdraw their children from Religious Education lessons and Collective Worship, but as RE is central to the life and identity of Hullavington CE Primary and Nursery School we ask parents to write to the Headteacher to express their wish.  A meeting will then be held where they can discuss their wish with the Headteacher.


The school teaches religious education according to the Wiltshire Agreed Syllabus


and is supported by the Understanding Christianity (UC) scheme of work for the majority of the Christianity units, and Discovery RE which covers the other religions and belief systems. These schemes of work offer a spiral curriculum where children re-visit and build past concepts and knowledge. We have developed a rolling scheme of work which is used to ensure that all of the Christianity and other principal religions are covered as the children move through the school. The majority of the time allocated to RE will be devoted to the teaching of Christianity. The other main faiths that will be explored in KS1 are Judaism and Islam.  In KS2 the children extend this by also studying Hinduism, Sikhism, and Buddhism.


To ensure that every pupil's statutory entitlement to Religious Education is met, irrespective of their faith or belief, and within this to encourage pupils to explore questions of spirituality, identity, ethics, discrimination and prejudice.

To enable pupils to develop religious literacy and conceptual understanding of what it means to be a person of faith or no faith.

To encourage pupils to articulate their own ideas and experience of religion, belief and spirituality.


To encourage all pupils and teachers to experience RE as an exciting subject that feeds into an understanding of what it means to live in Hullavington and Wiltshire and our wider world communities and to promote harmony and good community relations.

• To encourage teachers to produce RE lessons that are challenging, inspiring and engaging to everyone.

• To assist pupils to engage critically with ideas and understanding of religion and belief systems, given the nature of our society, its speed of change and growing social media influences. RE studies how religions and world views shape and are shaped by the societies in which pupils live, promoting deepening understanding of those belief systems.

• To promote interactive, creative and experiential learning that promotes social and ethnic accord alongside the endorsement of fundamental British Values, so that schools will be supported in visiting places of worship, community meeting places and communicating with different social groups across the local community.


The children should develop:

  • Knowledge about and understanding of Christianity as a living world faith, by exploring core theological concepts.
  • Knowledge and skills in making sense of Biblical texts and understanding their impact in the lives of Christians.
  • The ability to connect critically and be able to reflect upon, evaluate and apply their learning to their own growing understanding of religion and belief of themselves, the world and human experience.
Religious Education.mp4


Academic Year 2023-24




Years R/1

Barn Owls

Years 1/2

Snowy Owls

Years 3/4

Hawk Owls

Years 4/5

Eagle Owls

Years 5/6

Autumn Term 1

What makes people special?

Is it possible to be kind to everyone all the time?

What is the Trinity?

How far would a Sikh go for religion?

What do people believe about life after death?

Autumn Term 2

Why do Christians perform Nativity Plays at Christmas?

What is the good news that Jesus brings?

Would celebrating Divali at home and in the community bring a sense of belonging to a Hindu child?

Was Jesus the Messiah?

What does Christianity teach about suffering?

Spring Term 1

How do people celebrate?

Does praying at regular intervals help a Muslim’s life?

What do Christians learn from the creation story?

Are Sikh stories important?

What do Humanists believe?

Spring Term 2

Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden?

What do Christians believe God is like?

Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday?

What do Christians believe?

How do I know what is right and wrong?

Summer Term 1

What can we learn from stories?

Does going to the Mosque give Muslims a sense of belonging?

How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything?

What is the best way for a Sikh to show commitment to God?

What is Shintoism?

Summer Term 2

What makes places special?

Does completing Hajj make a Muslim a better person?

Would visiting the River Ganges feel special to a non-Hindu?

What does it mean if God is Holy and Loving?

Are there different types of Christianity?


Academic Year 2024-5




Years R/1

Barn Owls

Years 1/2

Snowy Owls

Years 3/4

Hawk Owls

Years 4/5

Eagle Owls

Years 5/6

Autumn Term 1

Who made the world?

How do Creation stories differ across the world?

What kind of world did Jesus want?

What do different religions teach about animals?

What is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to God?

Autumn Term 2

Why does Christmas matter to Christians?

How is Christmas celebrated across the world?

What is the good news that Jesus brings?

What is it like to follow God?

What would Jesus do?

Spring Term 1

Was it always easy for Jesus to show friendship?

Why are stories in the Bible important to Christians?

What is Paganism?

Can the Buddha's teaching make the world a better place?

Can religion and science go together?

Spring Term 2

Why does Easter matter to Christians?

How do Christians worship God?

How do different religions celebrate life milestones?

Is forgiveness always possible for Christians?

How do Muslims lead good lives?

Summer Term 1

Is Shabbat important to Jewish children?

What are the key teachings of Judaism?

What are the 5 pillars of Islam?

What is the best way for a Buddhist to lead a good life?

What does the Resurrection mean for Christians?

Summer Term 2

Are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur important to Jewish children?

The Prince of Egypt - why is Passover important for Jews?

Does completing the Hajj make a person a better Muslim?

What was the impact of Pentecost?

What is the Kingdom of God?


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