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There are three main strands to music – singing, listening and performing. Children are taught a wide repertoire of songs appropriate to their age group. These include traditional songs from other lands and cultures and songs from former times as well as modern songs. 

Children are encouraged to develop an awareness of the different effects of instruments used in music, as well as to give a thoughtful and sensitive response to recorded music. 

Children are taught how to play pitched and unpitched percussion instruments. They are taught to recognise and discriminate between the various elements of music such as pitch and rhythm. Children are given regular opportunities to perform to a range of audiences including their peers, parents and the wider community.

Additional Individual and Small Group Tuition

A number of different music teachers visit the school to deliver individual and small group lessons in brass, guitar, woodwind and strings.  We also have two specialist music teachers who deliver outstanding music lessons to the classes and provide support for teachers. 

Music Policy

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