Starting school is one of the most important events in a child's life. We may be your child's first school with them joining as a "rising 5" in our Reception Class or your child may already attend our Nursery class. They may have had previous schools in this country or abroad. We welcome children at whatever stage of their education and whatever time of year.
Our staff are very experienced at settling children quickly and happily into our school.
Should you wish to visit our school please contact the school office. We would be delighted to arrange a school visit for you to have a look around.
Applications for admission to the main school should be made to Wiltshire Council - Please use this link for detailed information about the admissions process, and for on-line applications. You will also find details of the appeals process.
Admissions to Little Hoots Nursery
The school has a Nursery class onsite and many of our Reception children will come to us directly from this class. We make arrangements in the Summer term for the children to come across to the main school as much as possible to familiarise them with their new classroom and teacher so that their transition to the main school goes as well as it can.
However, if your child is attending an alternative preschool provision we will work closely with them to ensure that the children make a smooth transition into the school.
We deal with our own admissions to our Nursery class - please click here for more information.