Pupil Premium
What is pupil premium?
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is additional funding allocated to school and is targeted at students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Each school receives different amounts based on certain factors:
- The number of children eligible for free school meals (currently eligible or have been eligible over the last 6 years)
- The number of children who are looked after children in care for more than six months
- There is a related Service premium for children of families in the armed services.
The Pupil Premium is aimed at narrowing the gap in attainment between disadvantaged pupils and those who are more well off. The Service Pupils Premium can also support effective provision for the emotional and social well-being of Service children.
The Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for academic year 2024/25 can be downloaded below. It explains how the school is spending the Pupil Premium for our pupils this academic year and also reviews the impact of how we spent this funding in 2023/24 academic year. We hope that you find the information useful.
Previous Academic Years
Our reports for previous Academic Years can be requested from the school office.